Alpha Software

Current Announcement

Newsflash (11/23/00): A new release of the CCF has been issued which corrects many of the bugs in the August release. You can get to it through the download area and as always, plese report bugs to:

The latest release of the CCF (as of 16th August 2000) includes a much improved version of CCTL, the major addition being the inclusion of fault tolerance. See here for a Readme that explains the menchanims incorporated and also serves as a guide for the developer.
A new tool (called CCFmonitor) has also been included to graphically visualise the operation of CCTL. This also serves to reduce the large amount of console window debug printing generated by the CCF. An explanation of the CCFmonitor interface is given in the same Readme as the fault tolerance.

Note also that this version of CCF has been tested under a number of platforms. These are:

As always, please report bugs by email to (

Previous Announcements

Alpha source and binaries of the CCF distribution and the standalone audio tool are available for

The original release announcement for the CCF system can be found here. The current release is dated 24 November 1998.

The release announcement for the standalone CCFaudio tool can be found here. The current release is dated 22 October 1998.

The release announcement for the CCF launcher can be found here. The current release is dated 27 August 1998.


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Research supported by the National Science Foundation under grant: NSF ASC - 9527186