
int CPXPUBLIC CPXcopylp(CPXCENVptr env, CPXLPptr lp, int numcols, int numrows, int objsen, const double * obj, const double * rhs, const char * sense, const int * matbeg, const int * matcnt, const int * matind, const double * matval, const double * lb, const double * ub, const double * rngval)
Definition file: cplex.h
Include files: cplex.h

The routine CPXcopylp copies data that defines an LP problem to a CPLEX problem object. The arguments to CPXcopylp define an objective function, the constraint matrix, the right-hand side, and the bounds on the variables. The routine CPXcopylp does not copy names. Calling CPXcopylp destroys any existing data associated with the problem object.

The more comprehensive routine CPXcopylpwnames can be used in place of CPXcopylp to copy linear programs with associated names.

The arguments passed to CPXcopylp define a linear program. Since these arguments are copied into local arrays maintained by CPLEX, the LP problem data passed via CPXcopylp may be modified or freed after the call to CPXcopylp without affecting the state of the CPLEX problem object.

Table 1: Values of objsen
objsen= 1(CPX_MIN) minimize
objsen= -1(CPX_MAX) maximize
Table 2: Values of sense
sense[i]= 'L'≤ constraint
sense[i]= 'E'= constraint
sense[i]= 'G'≥ constraint
sense[i]= 'R'ranged constraint

The arrays matbeg, matcnt, matind, and matval are accessed as follows. Suppose that CPLEX wants to access the entries in some column j. These are assumed to be given by the array entries:

 matval[matbeg[j]],.., matval[matbeg[j]+matcnt[j]-1]

The corresponding row indices are:

 matind[matbeg[j]],.., matind[matbeg[j]+matcnt[j]-1]

Entries in matind are not required to be in row order. Duplicate entries in matind within a single column are not allowed. The length of the arrays matbeg and matind should be of at least numcols. The length of arrays matind and matval should be of at least matbeg[numcols-1]+matcnt[numcols-1].


 status = CPXcopylp (env, lp, numcols, numrows, objsen, obj, rhs,
                     sense, matbeg, matcnt, matind, matval, lb,
                     ub, rngval);

See also the example lpex1.c in the ILOG CPLEX User's Manual and in the standard distribution.



A pointer to the CPLEX environment as returned by CPXopenCPLEX.


A pointer to a CPLEX problem object as returned by CPXcreateprob.


An integer that indicates the number of columns in the constraint matrix, or equivalently, the number of variables in the problem object.


An integer that indicates the number of rows in the constraint matrix, not including the objective function or bounds on the variables.


An integer that indicates whether the problem is a minimization or maximization problem.


An integer that indicates whether the problem is a minimization or maximization problem.


An array of length at least numrows containing the right-hand side value for each constraint in the constraint matrix.


An array of at least length at least numrows containing the sense of each constraint in the constraint matrix.


An array that with matval, matcnt, and matind defines the constraint matrix.


An array that with matbeg, matval, and matind defines the constraint matrix.


An array that with matbeg, matcnt, and matval defines the constraint matrix.


An array that with matbeg, matcnt, and matind defines the constraint matrix. CPLEX needs to know only the nonzero coefficients. These are grouped by column in the array matval. The nonzero elements of every column must be stored in sequential locations in this array with matbeg[j] containing the index of the beginning of column j and matcnt[j] containing the number of entries in column j. The components of matbeg must be in ascending order. For each k, matind[k] indicates the row number of the corresponding coefficient, matval[k].


An array of at least length numcols containing the lower bound on each of the variables. Any lower bound that is set to a value less than or equal to that of the constant -CPX_INFBOUND is treated as negative ∞. CPX_INFBOUND is defined in the header file cplex.h.


An array of at least length numcols containing the upper bound on each of the variables. Any upper bound that is set to a value greater than or equal to that of the constant CPX_INFBOUND is treated as ∞. CPX_INFBOUND is defined in the header file cplex.h.


An array of at least length numrows containing the range value of each ranged constraint. Ranged rows are those designated by 'R' in the sense array. If the row is not ranged, the rngval array entry is ignored. If rngval[i] > 0, then row i activity is in [rhs[i],rhs[i]+rngval[i]], and if rngval[i] ≤ 0,then row i activity is in [rhs[i]+rngval[i],rhs[i]]. This parameter may be NULL.


The routine returns zero on success and nonzero if an error occurs.