
int CPXPUBLIC CPXgetdblquality(CPXCENVptr env, CPXCLPptr lp, double * quality_p, int what)
Definition file: cplex.h
Include files: cplex.h

The routine CPXgetdblquality is used to access double-valued information about the quality of the current solution of a problem. A solution, though not necessarily a feasible or optimal one, must be available in the CPLEX problem object. The quality values are returned in the double variables pointed to by the argument quality_p.

The maximum bound infeasibility identifies the largest bound violation, which helps determine the cause of an infeasible problem. If it exceeds the feasibility tolerance by only a small amount, it may be possible to obtain a feasible solution to the problem by increasing the feasibility tolerance. If a problem is optimal, it gives insight into the smallest setting for the feasibility tolerance that would not cause the problem to terminate infeasible.

If an error occurs, the value remains unchanged.

The possible quality values for a solution are listed in the group optim.cplex.callable.solutionquality in the ILOG CPLEX Reference Manual.


 status = CPXgetdblquality (env, lp, &max_x, CPX_MAX_X);



A pointer to the CPLEX environment as returned by the CPXopenCPLEX routine.


A pointer to a CPLEX problem object as returned by CPXcreateprob.


A pointer to a double variable in which the requested quality value is to be stored.

If an error occurs, the value remains unchanged.


A symbolic constant indicating the quality value to be retrieved.

The possible quality values for a solution are listed in the group optim.cplex.callable.solutionquality in the ILOG CPLEX Reference Manual.


 status = CPXgetdblquality (env, lp, &max_x, CPX_MAX_X);


The routine returns zero on success and nonzero if an error occurs.