Overview | Group | Tree | Graph | Index | Concepts |
This is an advanced routine. Advanced routines typically demand a profound understanding of the algorithms used by ILOG CPLEX. Thus they incur a higher risk of incorrect behavior in your application, behavior that can be difficult to debug. Therefore, ILOG encourages you to consider carefully whether you can accomplish the same task by means of other Callable Library routines instead.
The routine CPXsetbranchnosolncallbackfunc
sets the callback function that will be called instead of the
branch callback when there is a failure due to such situations as an
iteration limit being reached, unboundedness being detected,
numeric difficulties being encountered, while the node LP is
being solved. In consequence of the failure, whether the node is
feasible or infeasible cannot be known and thus CPLEX routines
such as CPXsolution
may fail. In this situation,
CPLEX will attempt to fix some variables and continue.
These conditions are rare (except when the user has set a very low iteration limit), so it is acceptable to let CPLEX follow its default action in these cases.