Overview | Group | Tree | Graph | Index | Concepts |
Macro Summary | |
CPX_STAT_ABORT_DUAL_OBJ_LIM | 22 (Barrier only) enum: AbortDualObjLim. |
CPX_STAT_ABORT_IT_LIM | 10 (Simplex or Barrier) enum: AbortItLim. |
CPX_STAT_ABORT_OBJ_LIM | 12 (Simplex or Barrier) enum: AbortObjLim. |
CPX_STAT_ABORT_PRIM_OBJ_LIM | 21 (Barrier only) enum: AbortPrimObjLim. |
CPX_STAT_ABORT_TIME_LIM | 11 (Simplex or Barrier) enum: AbortTimeLim. |
CPX_STAT_ABORT_USER | 13 (Simplex or Barrier) enum: AbortUser. |
CPX_STAT_FEASIBLE_RELAXED | 7 (Simplex or Barrier) enum: FeasibleRelaxed. |
CPX_STAT_INFEASIBLE | 3 (Simplex or Barrier) enum: Infeasible. |
CPX_STAT_INForUNBD | 4 (Simplex or Barrier) enum: InfOrUnbd. |
CPX_STAT_NUM_BEST | 6 (Simplex or Barrier) enum: NumBest. |
CPX_STAT_OPTIMAL | 1 (Simplex or Barrier) enum: Optimal. |
CPX_STAT_OPTIMAL_FACE_UNBOUNDED | 20 (Barrier only) enum: OptimalFaceUnbounded. |
CPX_STAT_OPTIMAL_INFEAS | 5 (Simplex or Barrier) enum: OptimalInfeas. |
CPX_STAT_OPTIMAL_RELAXED | 8 (Simplex or Barrier) enum: OptimalRelaxed. |
CPX_STAT_UNBOUNDED | 2 (Simplex or Barrier) enum: Unbounded. |
CPXMIP_ABORT_FEAS | 113 (MIP only) enum: AbortFeas. |
CPXMIP_ABORT_INFEAS | 114 (MIP only) enum: AbortInfeas. |
CPXMIP_FAIL_FEAS | 109 (MIP only) enum: FailFeas. |
CPXMIP_FAIL_FEAS_NO_TREE | 116 (MIP only) enum: FailFeasNoTree. |
CPXMIP_FAIL_INFEAS | 110 (MIP only) enum: FailInfeas. |
CPXMIP_FAIL_INFEAS_NO_TREE | 117 (MIP only) enum: FailInfeasNoTree. |
CPXMIP_FEASIBLE_RELAXED | 120 (MIP only) enum: FeasibleRelaxed. |
CPXMIP_INFEASIBLE | 103 (MIP only) enum: Infeasible. |
CPXMIP_INForUNBD | 119 (MIP only) enum: InfOrUnbd. |
CPXMIP_MEM_LIM_FEAS | 111 (MIP only) enum: MemLimFeas. |
CPXMIP_MEM_LIM_INFEAS | 112 (MIP only) enum: MemLimInfeas. |
CPXMIP_NODE_LIM_FEAS | 105 (MIP only) enum: NodeLimFeas. |
CPXMIP_NODE_LIM_INFEAS | 106 (MIP only) enum: NodeLimInfeas. |
CPXMIP_OPTIMAL | 101 (MIP only) enum: Optimal. |
CPXMIP_OPTIMAL_INFEAS | 115 (MIP only) enum: OptimalInfeas. |
CPXMIP_OPTIMAL_RELAXED | 121 (MIP only) enum: OptimalRelaxed. |
CPXMIP_OPTIMAL_TOL | 102 (MIP only) enum: OptimalTol. |
CPXMIP_SOL_LIM | 104 (MIP only) enum: SolLim. |
CPXMIP_TIME_LIM_FEAS | 107 (MIP only) enum: AbortTimeLim. |
CPXMIP_TIME_LIM_INFEAS | 108 (MIP only) enum: TimeLimInfeas. |
CPXMIP_UNBOUNDED | 118 (MIP only) enum: Unbounded. |
This table lists the statuses for solutions to LP, QP, or MIP problems.
These values are returned by the Callable Library routine
or by the Concert Technology methods
and getCplexSubStatus
the class IloCplex
. If no solution exists,
the return value is zero.
About Unboundedness
The treatment of models that are unbounded involves a few subtleties.
Specifically, a declaration of unboundedness means that ILOG CPLEX has
determined that the model has an unbounded ray. Given any feasible
solution x with objective z, a multiple of the unbounded ray can be
added to x to give a feasible solution with objective z-1
(or z+1 for maximization models). Thus, if a feasible solution exists,
then the optimal objective is unbounded. Note that ILOG CPLEX has not
necessarily concluded that a feasible solution exists. Users can call
the routine CPXsolninfo
to determine whether ILOG CPLEX has
also concluded that the model has a feasible solution.