Group optim.cplex.solutionstatus

The Callable Library macros that define solution status, their symbolic constants, their equivalent in Concert Technology enumerations, and their meaning. There is a note about unboundedness after the table.
Macro Summary
CPX_STAT_ABORT_DUAL_OBJ_LIM 22 (Barrier only) enum: AbortDualObjLim.
CPX_STAT_ABORT_IT_LIM 10 (Simplex or Barrier) enum: AbortItLim.
CPX_STAT_ABORT_OBJ_LIM 12 (Simplex or Barrier) enum: AbortObjLim.
CPX_STAT_ABORT_PRIM_OBJ_LIM 21 (Barrier only) enum: AbortPrimObjLim.
CPX_STAT_ABORT_TIME_LIM 11 (Simplex or Barrier) enum: AbortTimeLim.
CPX_STAT_ABORT_USER 13 (Simplex or Barrier) enum: AbortUser.
CPX_STAT_FEASIBLE_RELAXED 7 (Simplex or Barrier) enum: FeasibleRelaxed.
CPX_STAT_INFEASIBLE 3 (Simplex or Barrier) enum: Infeasible.
CPX_STAT_INForUNBD 4 (Simplex or Barrier) enum: InfOrUnbd.
CPX_STAT_NUM_BEST 6 (Simplex or Barrier) enum: NumBest.
CPX_STAT_OPTIMAL 1 (Simplex or Barrier) enum: Optimal.
CPX_STAT_OPTIMAL_FACE_UNBOUNDED 20 (Barrier only) enum: OptimalFaceUnbounded.
CPX_STAT_OPTIMAL_INFEAS 5 (Simplex or Barrier) enum: OptimalInfeas.
CPX_STAT_OPTIMAL_RELAXED 8 (Simplex or Barrier) enum: OptimalRelaxed.
CPX_STAT_UNBOUNDED 2 (Simplex or Barrier) enum: Unbounded.
CPXMIP_ABORT_FEAS 113 (MIP only) enum: AbortFeas.
CPXMIP_ABORT_INFEAS 114 (MIP only) enum: AbortInfeas.
CPXMIP_FAIL_FEAS 109 (MIP only) enum: FailFeas.
CPXMIP_FAIL_FEAS_NO_TREE 116 (MIP only) enum: FailFeasNoTree.
CPXMIP_FAIL_INFEAS 110 (MIP only) enum: FailInfeas.
CPXMIP_FAIL_INFEAS_NO_TREE 117 (MIP only) enum: FailInfeasNoTree.
CPXMIP_FEASIBLE_RELAXED 120 (MIP only) enum: FeasibleRelaxed.
CPXMIP_INFEASIBLE 103 (MIP only) enum: Infeasible.
CPXMIP_INForUNBD 119 (MIP only) enum: InfOrUnbd.
CPXMIP_MEM_LIM_FEAS 111 (MIP only) enum: MemLimFeas.
CPXMIP_MEM_LIM_INFEAS 112 (MIP only) enum: MemLimInfeas.
CPXMIP_NODE_LIM_FEAS 105 (MIP only) enum: NodeLimFeas.
CPXMIP_NODE_LIM_INFEAS 106 (MIP only) enum: NodeLimInfeas.
CPXMIP_OPTIMAL 101 (MIP only) enum: Optimal.
CPXMIP_OPTIMAL_INFEAS 115 (MIP only) enum: OptimalInfeas.
CPXMIP_OPTIMAL_RELAXED 121 (MIP only) enum: OptimalRelaxed.
CPXMIP_OPTIMAL_TOL 102 (MIP only) enum: OptimalTol.
CPXMIP_SOL_LIM 104 (MIP only) enum: SolLim.
CPXMIP_TIME_LIM_FEAS 107 (MIP only) enum: AbortTimeLim.
CPXMIP_TIME_LIM_INFEAS 108 (MIP only) enum: TimeLimInfeas.
CPXMIP_UNBOUNDED 118 (MIP only) enum: Unbounded.

This table lists the statuses for solutions to LP, QP, or MIP problems. These values are returned by the Callable Library routine CPXgetstat or by the Concert Technology methods getCplexStatus and getCplexSubStatus of the class IloCplex. If no solution exists, the return value is zero.

About Unboundedness

The treatment of models that are unbounded involves a few subtleties. Specifically, a declaration of unboundedness means that ILOG CPLEX has determined that the model has an unbounded ray. Given any feasible solution x with objective z, a multiple of the unbounded ray can be added to x to give a feasible solution with objective z-1 (or z+1 for maximization models). Thus, if a feasible solution exists, then the optimal objective is unbounded. Note that ILOG CPLEX has not necessarily concluded that a feasible solution exists. Users can call the routine CPXsolninfo to determine whether ILOG CPLEX has also concluded that the model has a feasible solution.