Class IloIntervalList

Definition file: ilconcert/ilointervals.h

An instance of the class IloIntervalList represents a list of non-overlapping intervals. Each interval [timeMin, timeMax) from the list is associated with a numerical type.

Note that if n is the number of intervals in the list, the random access to a given interval (see the member functions IloIntervalList::addInterval, IloIntervalList::contains, and IloIntervalList::removeInterval) has a worst-case complexity in O(log(n)).

Furthermore, when two consecutive intervals of the list have the same types, these intervals are merged so that the list is always represented with the minimal number of intervals.

See Also:

Constructor Summary
public IloIntervalList(const IloEnv, IloNum, IloNum, const char *)
public IloIntervalList(const IloEnv, const IloNumArray, const IloNumArray, const char *)
Method Summary
public voidaddInterval(IloNum, IloNum, IloNum)
public voidaddPeriodicInterval(IloNum, IloNum, IloNum, IloNum, IloNum)
public IloBoolcontains(const IloIntervalList)
public voiddilate(IloNum)
public voidempty()
public IloNumgetDefinitionIntervalMax()
public IloNumgetDefinitionIntervalMin()
public IloBoolisEmpty()
public IloBoolisKeptOpen()
public voidkeepOpen(IloBool)
public voidremoveInterval(IloNum, IloNum)
public voidremoveIntervalOnDuration(IloNum, IloNum)
public voidremovePeriodicInterval(IloNum, IloNum, IloNum, IloNum)
public voidsetDifference(const IloIntervalList)
public voidsetPeriodic(const IloIntervalList, IloNum, IloNum)
public voidsetUnion(const IloIntervalList)
public voidshift(IloNum)
Constructor Detail


public IloIntervalList(const IloEnv env, IloNum min, IloNum max, const char * name)

This constructor creates a new instance of IloIntervalList and adds it to the set of interval lists managed in the given environment. The arguments min and max respectively represent the origin and the horizon of the interval list. The new interval list does not contain any intervals.


public IloIntervalList(const IloEnv env, const IloNumArray times, const IloNumArray types, const char * name)

This constructor creates an interval list whose intervals are defined by the two arrays times and types. More precisely, if n is the size of array times, then the size of array types must be n-1 and the following contiguous intervals are created on the interval list: [times[i],times[i+1]) with type types[i] for all i in [0, n-1].

Method Detail


public void addInterval(IloNum start, IloNum end, IloNum type)

This member function adds an interval of type type to the invoking interval list. The start time and end time of that newly added interval are set to start and end. By default, the type of the interval is 0. Adding a new interval that overlaps with an already existing interval of a different type will override the existing type on the intersection.


public void addPeriodicInterval(IloNum start, IloNum duration, IloNum period, IloNum end, IloNum type)

This member function adds a set of intervals to the invoking interval list. For every i >= 0 such that start + i * period < end, an interval of [start + i * period, start + duration + i * period) is added. By default, the type of these intervals is 0. Adding a new interval that overlaps with an already existing interval of a different type will override the existing type on the intersection.


public IloBool contains(const IloIntervalList intervals)

This member function returns IloTrue if and only if each interval of intervals is included in an interval of the invoking interval list, regardless of interval type.


public void dilate(IloNum k)

This member function multiplies by k the scale of times for the invoking interval list. k must be a positive number.


public void empty()

This member function removes all the intervals from the invoking interval list.


public IloNum getDefinitionIntervalMax()

This member function returns the right most point (horizon) of the definition interval of the invoking interval list.


public IloNum getDefinitionIntervalMin()

This member function returns the left most point (origin) of the definition interval of the invoking interval list.


public IloBool isEmpty()

This member function returns IloTrue if and only if the invoking interval list is empty.


public IloBool isKeptOpen()

This member function returns IloTrue if the interval list must be kept open. Otherwise, it returns IloFalse.


public void keepOpen(IloBool val)

If the argument val is equal to IloTrue, this member function states that the invoking interval list must be kept open during the search for a solution to the problem. It means that additional intervals may be added during the search. Otherwise, if the argument val is equal to IloFalse, it states that all the intervals of the invoking interval list will be defined in the model before starting to solve the problem. By default, it is supposed that all the intervals of the invoking interval list are defined in the model before starting to solve the problem.


public void removeInterval(IloNum start, IloNum end)

This member function removes all intervals on the invoking interval list between start and end. If start is placed inside an interval [start1, end1), that is, start1 < start < end1, this results in an interval [start1, start). If end is placed inside an interval [start2, end2) this results in an interval [end, end2).


public void removeIntervalOnDuration(IloNum start, IloNum duration)

This member function removes all intervals on the invoking resource between start and start+duration.


public void removePeriodicInterval(IloNum start, IloNum duration, IloNum period, IloNum end)

This member function removes intervals from the invoking interval list. More precisely, for every i >= 0 such that start + i * period < end, this function removes all intervals between start + i * period and start + duration + i * period.


public void setDifference(const IloIntervalList intervals)

This member function removes from the invoking interval list all the intervals contained in the interval list intervals. The definition interval of the invoking interval list is not changed.


public void setPeriodic(const IloIntervalList intervals, IloNum x0, IloNum n)

This member function initializes the invoking interval list as an interval list that repeats the interval list intervals n times after x0.


public void setUnion(const IloIntervalList intervals)

This member function sets the invoking interval list to be the union between the current interval list and the interval list intervals. An instance of IloException is thrown if two intervals with different types overlap. The definition interval of the invoking interval list is set to the union between the current definition interval and the definition interval of intervals.


public void shift(IloNum dx)

This member function shifts the intervals of the invoking interval list from dx to the right if dx > 0 or from -dx to the left if dx < 0. It has no effect if dx = 0.