Class IloExtractable

Definition file: ilconcert/iloextractable.h

This class is the base class of all extractable objects (that is, instances of such classes as IloConstraint, IloNumVar, and so forth).

Instances of subclasses of this class represent objects (such as constraints, constrained variables, objectives, and so forth) that can be extracted by Concert Technology from your model for use by your application in Concert Technology algorithms.

Not every algorithm can extract every extractable object of a model. For example, a model may include more than one objective, but you can extract only one objective for an instance of IloCplex, documented in the ILOG CPLEX Reference Manual.

Most member functions in this class contain assert statements. For an explanation of the macro NDEBUG (a way to turn on or turn off these assert statements), see the concept Assert and NDEBUG.

Adding Extractable Objects

Generally, for an extractable object to be taken into account by one of the algorithms in Concert Technology, you must add the extractable object to a model with the member function IloModel::add and extract the model for the algorithm with the member function IloAlgorithm::extract.

Environment and Extractable Objects

Every extractable object in your model must belong to one instance of IloEnv. An extractable object (that is, an instance of IloExtractable or one of its derived subclasses) is tied throughout its lifetime to the environment where it is created. It can be used only with extractable objects belonging to the same environment. It can be extracted only for an algorithm attached to the same environment.


When you change an extractable object, for example by removing it from a model, Concert Technology notifies algorithms that have extracted the model containing this extractable object about the change. Member functions that carry out such notification are noted in this documentation.

See Also:

Constructor Summary
public IloExtractable(IloExtractableI *)
Method Summary
public voidend()
public IloEnvgetEnv()
public IloIntgetId()
public IloExtractableI *getImpl()
public const char *getName()
public IloAnygetObject()
public voidsetName(const char *)
public voidsetObject(IloAny)
Constructor Detail


public IloExtractable(IloExtractableI * obj)

This constructor creates a handle to the implementation object.

Method Detail


public void end()

This member function first removes the invoking extractable object from all other extractable objects where it is used (such as a model, ranges, etc.) and then deletes the invoking extractable object. That is, it frees all the resources used by the invoking object. After a call to this member function, you can not use the invoking extractable object again.

The member function end notifies Concert Technology algorithms about the destruction of this invoking object.


public IloEnv getEnv()

This member function returns the environment to which the invoking extractable object belongs. An extractable object belongs to exactly one environment; different environments can not share the same extractable object.


public IloInt getId()

This member function returns the ID of the invoking extractable object.


public IloExtractableI * getImpl()

This member function returns a pointer to the implementation object of the invoking extractable object. This member function is useful when you need to be sure that you are using the same copy of the invoking extractable object in more than one situation.


public const char * getName()

This member function returns a character string indicating the name of the invoking object (if there is one).


public IloAny getObject()

This member function returns the object associated with the invoking object (if there is one). Normally, an associated object contains user data pertinent to the invoking object.


public void setName(const char * name)

This member function assigns name to the invoking object.


public void setObject(IloAny object)

This member function associates obj with the invoking object. The member function getObject accesses this associated object afterwards. Normally, obj contains user data pertinent to the invoking object.