Overview | Group | Tree | Graph | Index | Concepts |
Class Summary | |
IloAlgorithm | The base class of algorithms in Concert Technology. |
IloAlgorithm::CannotExtractException | The class of exceptions thrown if an object cannot be extracted from a model. |
IloAlgorithm::CannotRemoveException | The class of exceptions thrown if an object cannot be removed from a model. |
IloAlgorithm::Exception | The base class of exceptions thrown by classes derived from IloAlgorithm. |
IloAlgorithm::NotExtractedException | The class of exceptions thrown if an extractable object has no value in the current solution of an algorithm. |
IloAllDiff | A constraint that forces constrained integer variables to assume different values in a model. |
IloAllMinDistance | A constraint on the minimum absolute distance between a pair of variables in an array. |
IloAnd | A conjunctive constraint that defines a logical conjunctive-AND among other constraints. |
IloAnyArray |
The array class of the enumerated type definition IloAny .
IloAnyBinaryPredicate | A class to define binary predicates on objects in a model. |
IloAnySet | A class whose instances represent a set of enumeration values. |
IloAnySet::Iterator |
An iterator to traverse the elements of IloAnySet .
IloAnySetVar | Class to represent a set of enumerated values as a constrained variable. |
IloAnySetVarArray |
The array class of the set variable class IloAnySetVar .
IloAnyTernaryPredicate | A class to define ternary predicates on objects in a model. |
IloAnyTupleSet | A class to represent set of enumerated tuples in a model. |
IloAnyTupleSetIterator | An iterator to traverse the elements of a finite set of tuples of enumerated values. |
IloAnyVar | A class to represent an enumerated variable. |
IloAnyVarArray | A class to represent an array of enumerated variables. |
IloArray | A template to create classes of arrays for elements of a given class. |
IloBarrier | A system class to synchronize threads at a specified number. |
IloBaseEnvMutex | A class to initialize multithreading in an application. |
IloBoolArray | |
IloBoolVar | |
IloBoolVarArray | |
IloBox | A class of multidimensional boxes for multidimensional placement problems. |
IloCondition | |
IloConstraint | |
IloConstraintArray | |
IloConversion | |
IloDiff | |
IloDistribute | |
IloEmptyHandleException | The class of exceptions thrown if an empty handle is passed. |
IloEnv | The class of environments for models or algorithms in Concert Technology. |
IloEnvironmentMismatch | |
IloException | |
IloExpr | |
IloExprArray | |
IloExpr::LinearIterator | An iterator over the linear part of an expression. |
IloExtractable | |
IloExtractableArray | |
IloFastMutex | |
IloFunction | |
IloIfThen | |
IloIntArray | |
IloIntBinaryPredicate | |
IloIntExpr | The class of integer expressions in Concert Technology 2.0. |
IloIntExprArg | A class used internally in Concert Technology. |
IloIntExprArray |
The array class of IloIntExpr .
IloIntSet | |
IloIntSet::Iterator | |
IloIntSetVar |
The class IloIntSetVar .
IloIntSetVarArray | The array class of the set variable class for integer values. |
IloIntTernaryPredicate | |
IloIntTupleSet | |
IloIntTupleSetIterator | |
IloIntVar | |
IloIntVarArray |
The array class of IloIntVar .
IloInverse | |
IloIterator | A template to create iterators for a class of extractable objects. |
IloModel | |
IloModel::Iterator | |
IloMutexDeadlock | The class of exceptions thrown due to mutex deadlock. |
IloMutexNotOwner | The class of exceptions thrown. |
IloMutexProblem | |
IloNot | |
IloNumArray | |
IloNumColumn | |
IloNumColumnArray | |
IloNumExpr | The class of numeric expressions in a Concert model. |
IloNumExprArg | A class used internally in Concert Technology. |
IloNumExprArray | The class IloNumExprArray. |
IloNumExpr::NonLinearExpression | The class of exceptions thrown if a numerical constant of a non-linear expression is set or queried. |
IloNumVar | |
IloNumVarArray | The array class of IloNumVar. |
IloObjective | |
IloOr | |
IloPack | |
IloPathLength | |
IloPathTransitI | |
IloRandom | |
IloRange | |
IloRangeArray | |
IloSOS1 | |
IloSOS1Array | |
IloSOS2 | |
IloSOS2Array | |
IloSemaphore | |
IloSemiContVar | |
IloSemiContVarArray | |
IloSequence | |
IloSolution | |
IloSolution::Iterator | |
IloSolutionIterator | |
IloSolutionManip | |
IloTimer | |
IloTypedList | |
IloTypedListManagerI |
Typedef Summary |
IloAny |
IloBool |
IloInt |
IloNum |
IloNumFunction |
IloPathTransitFunction |
IloSolutionArray |
Macro Summary | |
IloFloatArray | |
IloFloatVar | |
IloFloatVarArray | The array class of IloFloatVar. |
Enumeration Summary | |
IloAlgorithm::Status |
An enumeration for the class IloAlgorithm .
IloDeleterMode |
An enumeration to set the mode of an IloDeleter .
IloNumVar::Type | |
IloObjective::Sense |
Function Summary | |
IloAbs | |
IloAbstraction | Returns a constraint that abstracts the values of one array into the abstract value of another array. |
IloAdd | |
IloAllNullIntersect | |
IloArcCos | |
IloBoolAbstraction | A function to create a constraint that abstracts an array of Boolean variables. |
IloCard | |
IloCeil | |
IloDisableNANDetection | |
IloDiv | |
IloEnableNANDetection | |
IloEndMT | |
IloEqIntersection | |
IloEqPartition | |
IloEqUnion | |
IloExponent | |
IloFloor | |
IloGetClone | |
IloInitMT | |
IloIsNAN | |
IloLog | |
IloMax | |
IloMaximize | |
IloMember | |
IloMin | |
IloMinimize | |
IloMonotonicDecreasingNumExpr | |
IloMonotonicIncreasingNumExpr | |
IloNotMember | |
IloNullIntersect | |
IloPartition | |
IloPiecewiseLinear | |
IloPower | |
IloRound | |
IloScalProd | |
IloScalProd | |
IloScalProd | |
IloScalProd | |
IloSquare | |
IloSubset | |
IloSubsetEq | |
IloSum | |
IloTableConstraint | |
operator && | |
operator * | |
operator new | |
operator! | |
operator!= | |
operator+ | |
operator- | |
operator/ | |
operator< | |
operator<< | |
operator<= | |
operator== | |
operator> | |
operator>= | |
operator>> | |
operator|| |
Variable Summary |
IloHalfPi |
IloInfinity |
IloPi |
IloQuarterPi |
IloThreeHalfPi |
IloTwoPi |
Concert Technology offers a C++ library of classes and functions that enable you to design models of problems for both math programming (including linear programming, mixed integer programming, quadratic programming, and network programming) and constraint programming solutions.