Variable: IloInfinity

Definition file: ilconcert/ilosys.h

This symbolic constant represents the largest double-precision floating-point number on a given platform. It is initialized when you create an instance of IloEnv. In practice, when you use this symbolic constant as an upper bound of a variable in your model, you are effectively stating that the variable is unbounded.

See the ILOG Solver Reference Manual and User's Manual for details about how ILOG Solver treats floating-point calculations in instances of IloSolver in conformity with IEEE 754. In particular, ILOG Solver offers other symbolic constants, such as IlcIntMax or IlcFloatMax that may be more appropriate for your application if you do not intend to state that your variables are effectively unbounded.

See the ILOG CPLEX Reference Manual and User's Manual for details about how ILOG CPLEX treats floating-point calculations in instances of IloCplex.

See Also: