Class IloCplex::IncumbentCallbackI

Definition file: ilocplexi.h
Include files: ilcplex/ilocplex.h

This callback is called whenever a new potential incumbent is found during branch & cut searches. It allows you to analyze the proposed incumbent and optionally reject it. In this case, CPLEX will continue the branch & cut search. This callback is thus typically combined with a branch callback that instructs CPLEX how to branch on a node after it has found a potential incumbent and thus considered the node solution to be integer feasible.

See Also:

Method Summary
protected NodeData *getNodeData()
protected NodeIdgetNodeId()
protected IloNumgetObjValue()
protected IloNumgetSlack(const IloRange)
protected voidgetSlacks(IloNumArray, const IloRangeArray)
protected IloNumgetValue(const IloIntVar)
protected IloNumgetValue(const IloNumVar)
protected IloNumgetValue(const IloExprArg)
protected voidgetValues(IloNumArray, const IloIntVarArray)
protected voidgetValues(IloNumArray, const IloNumVarArray)
protected voidreject()
Inherited Methods from MIPCallbackI
getBestObjValue, getCutoff, getDirection, getDirection, getIncumbentObjValue, getIncumbentValue, getIncumbentValue, getIncumbentValues, getIncumbentValues, getMyThreadNum, getNcliques, getNcovers, getNdisjunctiveCuts, getNflowCovers, getNflowPaths, getNfractionalCuts, getNGUBcovers, getNimpliedBounds, getNiterations, getNMIRs, getNnodes, getNremainingNodes, getObjCoef, getObjCoef, getObjCoefs, getObjCoefs, getPriority, getPriority, getUserThreads, hasIncumbent
Inherited Methods from CallbackI
abort, duplicateCallback, getEnv, getModel, getNcols, getNQCs, getNrows, main
Method Detail


protected NodeData * getNodeData()

This method retrieves the NodeData object that may have previously been assigned to the current node by the user with method IloCplex::BranchCallbackI::makeBranch. If no data object has been assigned to the current node, 0 will be returned.


protected NodeId getNodeId()

This method returns the NodeId of the current node.


protected IloNum getObjValue()

This method returns the query objective value of the potential incumbent.


protected IloNum getSlack(const IloRange rng)

This method returns the slack value for the range indicated by rng for the potential incumbent.


protected void getSlacks(IloNumArray val, const IloRangeArray con)

This method puts the slack value for each range in the array of ranges con into the corresponding element of the array val for the potential incumbent. For this CPLEX resizes array val to match the size of array con.


protected IloNum getValue(const IloIntVar var)

This method returns the query value of the variable var in the potential incumbent solution.


protected IloNum getValue(const IloNumVar var)

This method returns the value of the variable var in the potential incumbent solution.


protected IloNum getValue(const IloExprArg expr)

This method returns the value of the expr for the potential incumbent solution.


protected void getValues(IloNumArray val, const IloIntVarArray vars)

This method returns the query values of the variables in the array vars in the potential incumbent solution and copies them to val. CPLEX automatically resizes the array val to match the size of the array vars.


protected void getValues(IloNumArray val, const IloNumVarArray vars)

This method returns the query values of the variables in the array vars in the potential incumbent solution and copies them to val. CPLEX automatically resizes the array val to match the length of the array vars.


protected void reject()

This method rejects the proposed incumbent.