Definition file: ilocplex.h



ILOLAZYCONSTRAINTCALLBACK2(name, type1, x1, type2, x2)

ILOLAZYCONSTRAINTCALLBACK3(name, type1, x1, type2, x2, type3, x3)

ILOLAZYCONSTRAINTCALLBACK4(name, type1, x1, type2, x2, type3, x3, type4, x4)

ILOLAZYCONSTRAINTCALLBACK5(name, type1, x1, type2, x2, type3, x3, type4, x4, type5, x5)

ILOLAZYCONSTRAINTCALLBACK6(name, type1, x1, type2, x2, type3, x3, type4, x4, type5, x5, type6, x6)

ILOLAZYCONSTRAINTCALLBACK7(name, type1, x1, type2, x2, type3, x3, type4, x4, type5, x5, type6, x6, type7, x7)

This macro creates two things: an implementation class for a user-defined lazy constraint callback named nameI and a function named name that creates an instance of this class and returns an IloCplex::Callback handle for it. This function needs to be called with an environment as first parameter followed by the n parameters specified at the macro execution in order to create a callback. You can then use the callback by passing it to the use method of an IloCplex object.

The class nameI that is created by the macro includes the implementation of method makeClone as required for callbacks. The implementation of the main method must be provided by the user in curly brackets {} following the macro invocation, like this:

 // implementation of the callback

For the implementation of the callback, methods from class IloCplex::LazyConstraintCallbackI and its parent classes can be used.

You are not obliged to use this macro to define callbacks. When the macro seems too restrictive for your purposes, we recommend that you define a callback class directly. Since the argument name is used to name the callback class, it is not possible to use the same name for several callback definitions.

See Also: